girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 01.04.2014
well he looks happy thats only important :D
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Malaysia GP 2014" geschrieben. 28.03.2014
good practice for weekend cant wait tomorrow ;)
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 09.03.2014
now the video will be more popular because she put picture but all off that is because kimi.. i think that she will for copule months be borred of all that paparazzi and stuff so i will not suprise if she wont put any of photos at istagram ...or she just like bee in center of attention ;)
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 19.02.2014
Zitat von Nic im Beitrag #574Hä? Wegen der Stellung ihrer Schultern ist sie schwanger???? Hab ich in Biologie nicht genug aufgepasst??? Also als ich schwanger war, war ich nicht mit den Schultern schwanger...
I just want to say that when woman is pregnant standing position is different then when women get few pounds .. I was very good in biology :D, and I know what I'm saying and I'm just saying that minttus standing is more like a pregnant woman ... no hard feelings ;)
no hard feelings, dont worry :). Just saying, even IF (a big if!) she is pregnant...she might not be far along and then you haven't gained that much weight that it would affect your balance and standing position. I think it is dangerous to judge according to picture.... cuz if that is the case then I would have been pregnant myself a douzen times ;).
whatever is Im happy because kimi.... about gossip his frends told that probably he is going to wear red again when contrat wasnot 100% sure and he is red now... now also frends of her told that she is probably pregnant... where is smoke there is fire ;)
I think the friends said that they are wondering WHEN she will get pregnant and did NOT state that she IS pregnant. but I might be wrong...but true, where fire is there is also smoke. lets see if his friends are right again ;)
hey folks you should better check out the pictures from the Wranlgers shooting again - the girl "who supposedly is pregnant" - where you see the back is not Minttu - she is in the back beside the black guy! The girl who turns he back is the girl left in the picture with dark green coat!
yes the girl whic hold blue scarf im sure that we all talking about that girl and standing position :D
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 18.02.2014
Zitat von Nic im Beitrag #574Hä? Wegen der Stellung ihrer Schultern ist sie schwanger???? Hab ich in Biologie nicht genug aufgepasst??? Also als ich schwanger war, war ich nicht mit den Schultern schwanger...
I just want to say that when woman is pregnant standing position is different then when women get few pounds .. I was very good in biology :D, and I know what I'm saying and I'm just saying that minttus standing is more like a pregnant woman ... no hard feelings ;)
no hard feelings, dont worry :). Just saying, even IF (a big if!) she is pregnant...she might not be far along and then you haven't gained that much weight that it would affect your balance and standing position. I think it is dangerous to judge according to picture.... cuz if that is the case then I would have been pregnant myself a douzen times ;).
whatever is Im happy because kimi.... about gossip his frends told that probably he is going to wear red again when contrat wasnot 100% sure and he is red now... now also frends of her told that she is probably pregnant... where is smoke there is fire ;)
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 17.02.2014
Zitat von Nic im Beitrag #574Hä? Wegen der Stellung ihrer Schultern ist sie schwanger???? Hab ich in Biologie nicht genug aufgepasst??? Also als ich schwanger war, war ich nicht mit den Schultern schwanger...
I just want to say that when woman is pregnant standing position is different then when women get few pounds .. I was very good in biology :D, and I know what I'm saying and I'm just saying that minttus standing is more like a pregnant woman ... no hard feelings ;)
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 16.02.2014
because of shoulder thats way aks myself and i think she is but i even dont care if they are going to be parents tha im happy because of them and also hear about kmi teeling about being father and f1 but if condom did not served :PP
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 16.02.2014
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 16.02.2014
which pictures of her do you mean? I think she can also simply put on weight which doesn't necessarily mean she is pregnant. We should just all wait and see. In a few months she wouldn't be able to hide it anymore, so then we know for sure. And just because she is having her hands on or around her stomache doesn't prove anything. According to that theory, most women are supposed to be pregnant ;) And I for myself, I know I am not..maybe after tons of pizza you get this food-pregnancy that makes you look like you are ;) ;). Therefore we should not draw any early conclusions. [/quote]
I think on pic where she is on fotoshooting with kimi for wrangler she is in background and the way she is standing I think that becasue her belly is forward and her shoulder upright just like a women are in pregnancy ... if you have a few pounds trast me you dont stand like that ;) but time will tell :D
girl2 hat einen neuen Beitrag "Minttu Virtanen" geschrieben. 16.02.2014
Zitat von lusi im Beitrag #561Ich kann nur sagen: Ich bin letzten Montag aus Finnland zurückgekommen und solche News, dass Kimi Vater wird,hätten da bestimmt auf dem Titelblatt der Seiska gestanden. Da war aber nichts dergleichen. Seiska hat ja seit letztem Sommer gerne über die beiden berichtet. Eine Garantie ist das aber natürlich nicht; warten wir mal ab...
she looks pregnaut her face and how she put her hand on stomach like she wants to show that if kimi is happy we all kimi fans need to be happy because of him even i perfer more jenni but if minntu is he choice then good for him ;)